Sophie Dandanell

I am a gardener, weaver, storyteller, walker, (day)dreamer and artist - currently based in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

In my practice, I walk, whenever and wherever, I have the opportunity. Alone, as well as with others. I spend my days around a dye pot, soaking in what I find in the local environment, researching what Earth brings. I spend my days on the loom, slowing down, moving one thread at a time. In the Garden I get my hands dirty, I facilitate spaces together with friends - we work with the earth and we gather. And through these roots, I hope to tell stories and to cultivate a space for (day)dreaming. I am curious how outdoor spaces can contribute to cultivating a sense of belonging - how through thinking with the forest as a system of care we can establish a common ground.

Thinking with the forest (as a model for care), I am curious about how I position myself in the world, where I find home and how I move, both in time (linear, cyclical, phenomenological, etc.) and space. We are all continuously moving in between each other, creating a web of relations. How do we find common ground between humans and more-than-human in the world that we all live (with)in – where do we (day)dream?


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